ICCS Co-Founder Horst Simon Named Deputy Director of Berkeley Lab

Horst Simon

Horst Simon, an internationally recognized expert in computer science and applied mathematics, has been named Deputy Director of Berkeley Lab. Simon joined the Lab in 1996, and has since helped to establish it as a world leader in providing supercomputing resources to support research in fields ranging from global climate modeling to astrophysics.  » 


Announcing the First ICCS Workshop

Registration is now open for a workshop on "Manycore and Accelerator-based High-performance Scientific Computing" to be held Jan. 24-28, 2011, in Berkeley, Calif. Workshop organizers have also issued a call for research papers and posters. The deadline for submissions and registration is Tuesday, Jan. 4  » 
Go here for the Announcement.


One Postdoctoral Opening  » 


Expanding collaboration

ICCS co-founder Rainer Spurzem elucidates the value of worldwide collaboration for scientific innovation and discovery – the philosophy at the foundation of ICCS.  » 


Announcing project ISAAC

ISAAC is a three-year (2010-2013) National Science Foundation-funded project to focus on research and development of infrastructure to accelerate physics and astronomy applications using multicore architectures.  » 



ICCS to host Virtual Summer School on Proven Algorithmic Techniques for Many-core Processors at NERSC on August 2-6, 2010.
Read more and register.


ISAAC wins $1.57 million NSF grant for three years to focus on research and development of infrastructure to accelerate physics and astronomy applications using multicore architectures. Read more.


ICCS co-founders host International Workshop on Accelerator-Based Computing at Stanford University on Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2009. Read a summary of the workshop.